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Bong Joon-ho

A dark, rainy landscape. The killer hides in the bushes, ready to kill. The act itself seems beastly and arbitrarily. We don't know exactly who he is or why he does what he does. There is no clear motive. There won't ever be one. Our protagonists, working on the case, are in no way likeable, and therefore we don't empathize with them or care about their exasperation over given situation. We want the mystery to be solved, but we are left with questions.

'Memories of Murder' is not just another crime thriller, but one that manages to create an incredibly natural story as well as environment, with every artistic decision contributing to the atmosphere in the best possible way. Some of the shots belong in an art gallery. The constant tension being upheld by small portions of fodder throughout is totally genius, and the acting quality in this should provide another reason for a watch, if even required.

Year: 2003

Runtime: 127 min

Genre: Mystery, Crime


Writer(s): Bong Joon-ho

Starring: Song Kang-ho, Kim Sang-kyung


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